Sunday, February 17, 2013

Project: Light Stand Tip

I've been working on setting up a home studio, mostly to see what I come up with.  However, it's quite expensive so I've been doing on the cheap.  Also, I enjoy building things.  So when I needed to mount a background light, the obvious choice was to use an old tripod that's too weak for my camera.

See mom, it's good I don't throw anything away!

In order to do this, I needed an adapter form the tripod mount to the light stand mount.  I could buy one from Amazon for $12 including shipping, or I can spend half an hour at home depot wandering the halls.

The end result should look like this:

Obviously, it would be best to use a lathe, but getting one of those would push the price a little bit past $12.

Here's what I did:

Using a large washer, small washer, 1/4" coupler nut, and small 1/4" bolt, I screwed the nut onto the tripod and the screw onto the nut.  That's all!

And all for less than $2, given that I only needed to buy the coupler nut.  And here it is doing it's job: